About Us
Who We Are ?
Our Mission
Key Objectives
Core Values & Principles
Organizational Structure
NIRN Policies
Coverage Area
Working Partners
Thematic Areas
End Harmful Traditional Practices
Peace Building
Interfaith Harmony
Child Protection and Wellbeing
Disability Inclusion(DI)
Sustainable Livelihood
NIRN Videos
Interfaith Dialogue
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News & Events
Religion & their Holy Scripture
Religious Leader’s Title of Different Faith
Testimonials & Stories
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Key Objectives
To contribute from religious sectors for elimination of gender-based violence and to end child marriage
To lobby and advocate against child marriage and GBV through religious platforms
Build and strengthen faith leaders’ capacity, faith-based organizations and other interfaith groups
To conduct research and discussions on interpretation of core messages from various faith scripture
To collect evidences and impact stories on good practices and changes and its dissemination for a wider reach