End Harmful Traditional Practices

The prevalence of different forms of HTPs such as child marriage, dowry practice, Chhaupadi, gender-based discrimination and GBV is tremendous in Nepal. Poverty, illiteracy and backwardness on one side and indelible religious and cultural impressions and practices on the other have perpetually assisted these HTPs. Discriminatory behavior and attitudes against a girl child and a boy child by family members perpetuate gender-based discrimination. Child marriage is a high-risk phenomenon and one of the worst forms of GBV with many families still believing in marrying off their daughters before they hit puberty that ultimately endangers life and future of little innocent girls as well as boys with a high likely of premature pregnancy and complications, health hazards, unsuccessful conjugal life along with other related social, mental, psychological, political and other issues. However, all of these are considered as a private family affair governed basically by religion and culture in many communities throughout the country. Therefore, NIRN Nepal was established with an aim to end different forms of HTPs such as child marriage, dowry practice, Chhaupadi, gender-based discrimination and GBV among others that are prevalent in the society and to promote gender equality as well as religious peace, tolerance and harmony.

During the intervention of Multi Faith Organizations’ Response for Appreciative Learning on Religious Values (MORAL Values) 2020-2024